Very young ages meet poetry

Starting from the notion that the acquisition of language begins at about 5 months of human life and that language is food for the
development of the brain, the artistic program “The very young ages meet poetry” wants to bring children of this age in contact with this unique and primitive kind of expression.

Poetry is speech and speech has vibration, therefore movement, it has rhythm and melody, it has images. Through this program we want to make visible the connection of poetry with all these different aspects and use them to communicate speech, content, meaning, emotion, memories, what is said and what is not said.

Why poetry?
Poetry is the oldest literary genre. Even when you don’t understand it, it can be imposed on you. Moreover, it is free, it activates the imagination and blends the element of dream with reality. In the same way children, and especially at very young ages, take in the world around them, and master language and speech, moving into symbolic and real worlds. Poetry thus proves to be the ideal vehicle of introduction to the “Brave New World” they will dive in. 

The program is for children up to 6 years of age and it will “travel” to daycare centers, institutions, hospitals, etc., inside and outside
Attica, in places where access to the arts and the artistic process is limited.
To this end, in many cases it will be offered for free.

The poems

Cheery Tree
To my shadow
To my shadow

Digital Workshop

Concept/Research/Direction: Marilena Triantafyllidou
Actor/Musician: Vassilis Kazis
Actress/Dancer: Kleoniki Karachaliou
Artistic Curation: Maria Bacha
Stage Design – Customes : Georgia Bourda
Lights: George Agiannitis
Production: Artika

Duration: 1st September 2019 – 30th June 2020

Contact: +306908881527 /